Zip Code:

34104, Naples, FL

34104 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Naples and the county of Collier County. Its population is roughly 24,520.

Real Estate in the 34104 Zip Code of Naples, FL

The 34104 zip code of Naples, FL has a population of around 127,000 people and a median home value of $181,500. The median home value in this zip code is above the national median home value by around $30,000. This indicates that there is a high demand for homes in this zip code and that the homes are likely worth more than average.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high demand for homes in the 34104 zip code of Naples, FL. One reason could be that Naples is a popular tourist destination and many people may want to live close to all the attractions that the city has to offer. Additionally, Naples is located near several major highways which could make it an attractive place to live for people who work in nearby cities.

Despite the high demand for homes in this zip code, there have been some recent trends indicating that prices may be starting to decline. For example, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index data from January 2018, prices in this zip code were down 0.9% from December 2017. This suggests that there may be some downward pressure on home values over time as buyers become more cautious about buying property in this area.

Price Index: Naples-Marco Island, FL

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