Zip Code:

34110, Naples, FL

34110 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Naples and the county of Collier County. Its population is roughly 23,988.

Real Estate in the 34110 Zip Code of Naples, FL

The 34110 zip code of Naples, FL is a densely populated area with a median home value of $225,000. The average home size in this zip code is 2,700 square feet. The median age of the population in this zip code is 41 years old. Approximately 60% of the population in this zip code are married couples living together, while 30% are single parents with children under 18 living with them. This indicates that there is a high percentage of families in this area.

The average commute time to work for residents in the 34110 zip code is 26 minutes. The median income for residents in this zipcode is $50,000. Approximately 60% of residents have at least one college degree, which indicates that there are a high number of educated residents in this area. In addition, the unemployment rate for residents in this zipcode is 3%, which indicates that there are many jobs available to those who want them.

Price Index: Naples-Marco Island, FL

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