Zip Code:

34114, Naples, FL

34114 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Naples and the county of Collier County. Its population is roughly 18,223.

Real Estate in the 34114 Zip Code of Naples, FL

The 34114 zip code of Naples, FL is a suburban area located in Collier County. The population of the zip code was 102,827 as of the 2010 census. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past several years and are now among the highest in Florida.

Home equity is a key factor in home prices. In most cases, when a home is sold, the buyer pays cash and assumes all of the mortgage debt on the property. The mortgage lender then records an "equity" (or "net worth") gain or loss on their books based on how much more or less than the original purchase price they paid for the home.

If you have owned your home for several years and have made modest monthly payments, your equity may be quite high - even if your house is only worth 80% of its original purchase price! Conversely, if you have recently bought a house and made large down payments, your equity may be relatively low - even if your house is only worth 60% of its original purchase price!

The graph below shows average home values in 34114 from January 2000 to December 2016. You can see that during this time period there was an overall increase in home values across Collier County as a whole. However, Naples saw particularly strong growth over this period with average values increasing by 116%. This strong performance likely has something to do with Naples' status as a major tourist destination and its proximity to many popular attractions (such as Disney World).

As you can see from the graph above, home prices continue to rise rapidly in Naples even after reaching their peak in late 2006/early 2007. Since then they have continued to grow at an annual rate of about 7%, which puts them well above both statewide averages (3%) and national averages (2%).

While it's important to keep in mind that no two homes are exactly alike - so what might be affordable for one person might not be affordable for another - it's safe to say that homes within 34114 are increasingly becoming out-of-reach for many people who aren't already wealthy or closely connected to powerful people. This trend seems likely to continue given how rapidly prices are rising here and how limited available inventory has become over recent years.

Price Index: Naples-Marco Island, FL

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