Zip Code:

34266, Arcadia, FL

34266 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Arcadia and the county of DeSoto County. Its population is roughly 32,229.

The Real Estate Market in Arcadia, FL

The 34266 zip code of Arcadia, FL is located in the Tampa Bay Area and has a population of around 56,000. Home values in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, with median home prices reaching $269,000 as of September 2017. This is a significant increase from the $165,000 median home value recorded in 2013. The main drivers of this increase are likely attributable to strong demand and limited supply within the area.

One important factor to consider when assessing home equity and home prices in Arcadia is that there are a number of factors that can impact these values. For example, interest rates can have a significant impact on how much money homeowners can borrow against their homes, while changes to local zoning laws or market conditions may also affect demand for specific types of housing. As such, it is important for homeowners and potential buyers to consult with an experienced real estate agent when making an investment decision in this area.

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