Zip Code:

34269, Arcadia, FL

34269 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Arcadia and the county of DeSoto County. Its population is roughly 4,517.

The Real Estate Market in Arcadia, FL

Arcadia, FL is located in the 34269 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Arcadia was 9,827. The median household income in Arcadia was $101,711. Home equity and home prices in the 34269 zip code are important factors to consider when evaluating a potential home purchase or investment.

As of March 2013, there were 2,521 homes for sale in the 34269 zip code. The average list price for a home in this zip code was $239,906. The median home value was $211,000. As of March 2013, there were 1,948 homes with a mortgage on them and 1,054 homes with a loan-to-value ratio (LTV) over 100%. This indicates that most homes in this zip code are likely purchased with a loan rather than being bought outright.

The average length of time it took to sell a home in this zip code was 97 days. The percentage of homes that sold within one month was 88%. The percentage of homes that sold within three months was 95%. The percentage of homes that sold within six months was 98%.

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