Zip Code:

34289, North Port, FL

34289 is a Florida Zip code within the city of North Port and the county of Sarasota County. Its population is roughly 3,481.

The Real Estate Market in North Port, FL

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 34289 Zip Code of North Port, FL

The 34289 zip code of North Port, FL has a median home value of $183,000. This is higher than the Florida statewide median home value of $157,500. The zip code also has a median home equity value of $101,000 which is higher than the statewide median home equity value of $77,500.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to this disparity in home values between North Port and Florida as a whole. Some potential reasons include:

- North Port's population is older and more established than other areas in Florida

- North Port's economy is more diversified than other areas in Florida

- North Port's housing stock is generally older and more expensive than other areas in Florida

- North Port has a higher concentration of luxury homes than other areas in Florida

Regardless of the reasons for this disparity, it is clear that there are significant differences between home values in North Port and throughout the rest of Florida. If you are looking to buy or sell property in the 34289 zip code, it would be important to consult with an experienced real estate agent who can help you understand these differences and make informed decisions about your options.

Price Index: North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, FL

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