Zip Code:
34957 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Jensen Beach and the county of Martin County. Its population is roughly 23,204.
Home Equity and Home Prices in 34957 Zip Code of Jensen Beach, FL
The 34957 zip code of Jensen Beach, FL has a median home value of $191,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $181,600. The 34957 zip code also has a higher than average home equity value of $141,000. This indicates that homeowners in this zip code have more equity in their homes than homeowners statewide. Additionally, the 34957 zip code has a lower than average home price to income ratio of 26%. This indicates that homes in this zip code are less expensive relative to incomes than homes statewide.
There are several factors that may contribute to these high home values and low home price to income ratios in the 34957 zip code of Jensen Beach, FL. These include strong demand for housing within this area due to its proximity to popular tourist destinations like Disney World and Universal Studios Florida as well as its excellent schools and access to quality healthcare facilities. Additionally, the area is experiencing relatively low unemployment rates which may be contributing to increased demand for housing.
While these factors are likely contributing factors, it is also important to consider local market conditions and trends. For example, if there is an increase in interest rates or if there are any major changes in the local economy that could lead to decreased demand for housing within the 34957 zip code or across Florida as a whole, then prices could potentially decline. In addition, while strong demand may be leading to high prices and high levels of equity for homeowners within the 34957 zip code, it may not be possible for all residents within this area to purchase a home at these prices due to limited available inventory or affordability constraints.
Price Index: Port St. Lucie, FL
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
34994 | 17,800 | 1,026.2 | America/New_York | 27.20078 | -80.25695 | Stuart | Martin County | Florida |
34996 | 10,741 | 626.4 | America/New_York | 27.19905 | -80.19632 | Stuart | Martin County | Florida |