Zip Code:

35020, Bessemer, AL

35020 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Bessemer and the county of Jefferson County. Its population is roughly 25,757.

Real Estate in the 35020 Zip Code of Bessemer, AL

The 35020 zip code of Bessemer, AL has a median home value of $119,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 5.5% over the past year. The average sale price for homes in this zip code was $128,500 in 2017. This is higher than the Alabama state median sale price of $106,800 and the national median sale price of $217,500.

There are a total of 1,851 homes currently for sale in the 35020 zip code. The majority (1,611) of these homes are single family residences while there are also 171 condos and townhomes for sale. There is a wide variety of sizes and types available for purchase in this zip code including 468 single family homes that are 3 bedrooms or smaller and 548 single family homes that are 4 or more bedrooms. There is also a wide variety of prices available for these properties with the lowest priced home being listed at $115,000 and the highest priced home being listed at $269,900.

Price Index: Birmingham-Hoover, AL

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