Zip Code:

35034, Brent, AL

35034 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Brent and the county of Bibb County. Its population is roughly 6,416.

Real Estate in the 35034 Zip Code of Brent, AL

The 35034 zip code of Brent, AL has a median home value of $123,000 and a median home equity of $117,000. This is significantly lower than the Alabama state median home value of $205,000 and the national median home value of $177,500. The Brent zip code also has a significantly lower home equity percentage than both the Alabama state percentage of 59% and the national percentage of 63%.

There are several factors that may contribute to this low home equity in Brent. First, Brent is located in one of the most economically depressed areas in Alabama. Second, there is a significant amount of student debt outstanding in Brent which may be inhibiting homeownership opportunities for many residents. Third, there is a high level of unemployment in Brent which could be contributing to reduced housing demand and decreased home values. Finally, there has been an increase in foreclosures and short sales in Brent over the past few years which could be further reducing housing values and increasing homeowner vulnerability to economic downturns.

Price Index: Birmingham-Hoover, AL

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