Zip Code:

35057, Cullman, AL

35057 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Cullman and the county of Cullman County. Its population is roughly 14,187.

Real Estate in the 35057 Zip Code of Cullman, AL

The 35057 zip code of Cullman, AL has a median home value of $128,000. Home values in this zip code have increased by an average of 9.5% over the past five years. The current market conditions in this area are favorable for buyers and sellers, as there is an ample supply of homes for sale while demand remains high.

There are a total of 1,964 homes for sale in the 35057 zip code as of February 2019. Of these homes, 814 are single-family detached homes and 1,868 are multi-family units. The majority (1,744) of the homes for sale in this zip code are occupied by their original owners while the remaining 108 are rented out.

The average list price for a home in the 35057 zip code is $128,000 which is 9.5% higher than the Alabama state median list price of $119,900. Over the past year, there has been an increase in both single-family detached and multi-family unit listings with an increase in average list prices from $126,500 to $130,000 respectively.

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