Zip Code:

35772, Stevenson, AL

35772 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Stevenson and the county of Jackson County. Its population is roughly 4,762.

The Stevenson Real Estate Market

The Stevenson, AL 35772 zip code is located in the southeastern corner of Alabama and includes a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just over $50,000, and the homeownership rate is around 73%. Home values in this area have been increasing steadily for the past several years, reaching a peak of nearly $200,000 in 2016. However, home values have since decreased by about 10% and are now estimated to be around $185,000.

There are several factors that may be contributing to the increase in home values in this area. First and foremost is the strong economy – Stevenson has consistently had one of the highest job growth rates in Alabama over the past few years. Additionally, there is a high demand for housing due to both an aging population and an influx of new residents due to growth within nearby cities like Huntsville and Madison. Finally, Stevenson is located within close proximity to major metropolitan areas like Birmingham and Atlanta which may also contribute to increased demand for homes.

Despite these positive trends, there are some potential challenges that could affect home prices in this area down the road. For example, if interest rates increase or if there are any other unforeseen economic events that cause more people to default on their mortgages or rent apartments than expected – these factors could lead to decreased demand for homes and consequently lower home values. Additionally, although Stevenson has seen steady growth over the past few years it may not continue at such a rapid pace if new development slows down or if jobs begin to decline again. In either case it will be important for residents hereto stay informed about current market conditions so they can make informed decisions about whether or not to buy or sell their homes

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