Zip Code:
35905 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Gadsden and the county of Etowah County. Its population is roughly 6,219.
The 35905 zip code of Gadsden, AL is located in the southeastern corner of Alabama. The area has a population of just over 20,000 and is home to several small businesses. Home prices in the zip code have seen steady growth over the past few years, reaching a peak in early 2017 before declining slightly since then. At present, home prices are relatively stable and continue to grow at a modest rate.
One reason for the recent growth in home values in this zip code may be due to its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Birmingham and Montgomery. Additionally, Gadsden is experiencing strong job growth which may also be contributing to increased demand for housing. While there are some risks associated with buying or selling a home in this area (e.g., potential natural disasters), overall it appears that homes in the 35905 zip code are currently priced fairly well relative to other areas of Alabama and nationwide.
Price Index: Gadsden, AL
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
35901 | 19,811 | 128.6 | America/Chicago | 34.04799 | -85.92460 | Gadsden | Etowah County | Alabama |
35903 | 17,699 | 101.4 | America/Chicago | 34.02709 | -85.86094 | Gadsden | Etowah County | Alabama |
35907 | 8,589 | 148.9 | America/Chicago | 33.89790 | -86.02444 | Gadsden | Etowah County | Alabama |