Zip Code:

36360, Ozark, AL

36360 is a Alabama Zip code within the city of Ozark and the county of Dale County. Its population is roughly 19,064.

The Real Estate Market in the 36360 Zip Code of Ozark, Alabama

The 36360 zip code of Ozark, AL has a median home value of $119,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. This is significantly lower than the national median home value of $177,500 and median home equity of $130,000. The main reasons for this are likely the low population density in the zip code and the lack of available homes for sale.

In addition to having a lower median home value and equity, homes in the 36360 zip code are also less likely to be owned outright than homes in other parts of the country. Nearly half (46%) of all homes in this zip code are owned with a mortgage, which is higher than the national average but still lower than the Alabama state average of 57%. This indicates that there is more demand for homeownership in this area compared to other parts of Alabama or the nation as a whole.

Despite these factors, there is still some demand for homeownership in Ozark. In fact, nearly one-third (31%)of all households in this zip code own their homes outright without any debt or mortgage payments. This indicates that there are some people who are able to afford to buy a home without relying on outside sources such as loans or mortgages.

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