Zip Code:

37036, Charlotte, TN

37036 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Charlotte and the county of Dickson County. Its population is roughly 6,245.

The Real Estate Market in the 37036 Zip Code of Charlotte, TN

The 37036 zip code of Charlotte, TN is home to a population of around 116,000 people. In terms of home equity, the median value in this zip code is $144,900. This means that the majority of homes in this area are worth more than their original purchase price. Additionally, the average home price in this zip code has increased by 6% over the past year. This trend is likely to continue as there are many families who are looking to purchase or upgrade their homes in this area.

Home equity is an important factor for many families when purchasing a home. It allows them to borrow against the value of their home and use that money to pay for other expenses or investments. Additionally, it can provide a cushion during tough times and help families save for retirement or other long-term goals. The increase in home prices and home equity in the 37036 zip code of Charlotte, TN indicates that there are many families who are benefiting from these trends.

Price Index: Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN

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