Zip Code:

37212, Nashville, TN

37212 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Nashville and the county of Davidson County. Its population is roughly 20,803.

The Real Estate Market in Nashville, TN

The 37212 zip code of Nashville, TN has a median home value of $183,000. The home equity in this zip code is $118,000. This means that the homeowners in this zip code have a net worth of $64,000 more than the typical homeowner in this zip code. Additionally, the average home price in Nashville has increased by 5% over the past year. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes in this area and that homeowners are benefiting from rising prices.

Homeownership rates in Nashville are high compared to other parts of the country. In fact, nearly two-thirds (64%) of households in this zip code are owner-occupied. This is significantly higher than the national average of 59%. Additionally, homeownership rates have been increasing over time; they were at their lowest point during the recession but have since rebounded. This indicates that people are increasingly confident about their ability to buy and own a home and are investing in property accordingly.

One reason why homeownership rates are high in Nashville is because there is a strong demand for housing here. The city has been growing rapidly over the past few years and new homes are being built at a rapid pace. In addition, many people who live here already own homes which gives them an advantage when looking for property to buy or rent. Furthermore, there is a low level of rental housing available which means that people who want to purchase or rent a home do not have to compete with others for limited options.

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates and home values are on the rise in Nashville – both indicators indicate strong demand for properties within this area

Price Index: Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN

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