Zip Code:

37604, Johnson City, TN

37604 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Johnson City and the county of Washington County. Its population is roughly 36,040.

The Real Estate Market in the 37604 Zip Code of Johnson City, TN

Home Equity in the 37604 Zip Code of Johnson City, TN

In the 37604 zip code of Johnson City, TN, home equity is a valuable asset. According to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $142,000. This means that homeowners in this area have a considerable amount of equity in their homes. Homeowners who are able to maintain their homes and add value to them over time can see their home equity grow significantly. Additionally, because the market for homes in this area is relatively stable, homeowners can feel confident about investing their home equity here.

Home Prices in the 37604 Zip Code of Johnson City, TN

According to Zillow’s data, the average price per square foot for homes in the 37604 zip code is $128. This means that homeownership rates are high and there is strong demand for housing stock here. Over time, if homeowners keep up with maintenance and make modest improvements to their homes, they can expect to see an increase in home values as well.

Price Index: Johnson City, TN

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