Zip Code:

37725, Dandridge, TN

37725 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Dandridge and the county of Jefferson County. Its population is roughly 17,944.

The Real Estate Market in the 37725 Zip Code of Dandridge, TN

The 37725 zip code of Dandridge, TN is located in the southeastern part of the state and includes a population of around 30,000. The median household income in this area is around $50,000, which is lower than the national median household income of $53,046. However, home prices in this zip code are much higher than the national average. In fact, as of February 2019, the median home value in this zip code was $213,500. This is more than double the median home value of $101,500 nationwide.

One reason for this high home value is that Dandridge has a high rate of homeownership. As of February 2019, nearly 96% of households in this zip code were owner-occupied. This compares to a nationwide homeownership rate of just over 70%. Additionally, Dandridge has a low rate of unemployment (3% as compared to 4% nationally) and a low poverty rate (11% as compared to 16% nationally). These factors likely contribute to the high demand for homes in this area and their corresponding high home values.

However, despite these positive factors, there are some challenges facing residents in the 37725 zip code. One issue is that there are relatively few housing options available for people who want to buy or rent homes here. As of February 2019 there were only 1128 housing units available for sale or rent within this zip code – which is less than half the number available nationwide as measured by Census data. Additionally, while incomes are relatively high in Dandridge overall – especially when compared to other parts of Tennessee – they may not be enough to afford homes here on their own without assistance from family or friends. This may be one reason why so many residents live with relatives or roommates rather than buying their own homes outright – even though they can afford it financially."

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