Zip Code:

37872, Sunbright, TN

37872 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Sunbright and the county of Morgan County. Its population is roughly 1,629.

The Real Estate Market in Sunbright, Tennessee

The 37872 zip code of Sunbright, TN has a median home value of $114,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. These values are higher than the national median home value of $77,500 and median home equity value of $70,000. The 37872 zip code is also higher than the Tennessee median home value of $92,700 and Tennessee median home equity value of $86,600.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high values in the 37872 zip code. The area is located in Williamson County which has a high population density and is known for its affluence. Additionally, Sunbright is within close proximity to Nashville which may contribute to increased demand for housing in this area.

Despite these factors, there may be some potential risks associated with buying or owning a property in the 37872 zip code. For example, prices may continue to rise over time which could result in significant losses on investment if purchased at or near peak prices. Additionally, there is always the risk that an economic downturn could lead to decreased demand for homes in this area which would lead to lower prices and possibly even decreases in home equity values.

Price Index: Knoxville, TN

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