Zip Code:

37923, Knoxville, TN

37923 is a Tennessee Zip code within the city of Knoxville and the county of Knox County. Its population is roughly 31,614.

The Real Estate Market in the 37923 Zip Code of Knoxville, TN

Home equity and home prices in 37923 zip code of Knoxville, TN are high compared to the rest of the country. The median home value in this zip code is $183,600, which is more than double the national median home value of $102,800. In addition, the percentage of homes in this zip code that are worth over $200,000 is also higher than the national percentage of homes that are worth over $200,000. This indicates that there is a lot of wealth and opportunity in 37923 zip code for those who are able to purchase a home.

One reason why 37923 zip code has such high home values and percentages of homes that are worth over $200,000 is because there is a lot of demand for properties in this area. There are many people who want to live in 37923 zip code because it has all the amenities that they need and it's close to other major cities like Nashville and Memphis. Additionally, there are many new developments being built in this area which will only increase demand for properties over time.

Despite the high prices and demand for properties in 37923 zip code, not everyone can afford to purchase a home here. The average price per square foot for homes in this area is above the national average price per square foot which means that it takes more money to purchase a home here than elsewhere on Earth. However, if you have enough money saved up then buying a property in 37923 zip code could be an excellent investment option.

Price Index: Knoxville, TN

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