Zip Code:

39475, Purvis, MS

39475 is a Mississippi Zip code within the city of Purvis and the county of Lamar County. Its population is roughly 13,973.

The Real Estate Market in the 39475 Zip Code of Purvis, Mississippi

The 39475 zip code of Purvis, MS has a population of about 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is about $50,000. The median home value in this zip code is about $130,000.

There are a lot of factors that go into the home equity and home prices in any given area. Some of the things that can affect these values include the size and condition of the homes, the availability of jobs and housing options, interest rates, and market trends.

One thing that is definitely worth noting when it comes to home equity and home prices in Purvis is that there are a lot of affordable homes available here. This means that there are plenty of people who can get started on their homeownership journey without spending a ton of money up front. Plus, if you do decide to buy a home here, you'll likely be able to get financing for it at pretty low interest rates.

Overall, it's evident that Purvis has some great potential when it comes to its home equity and home prices. If you're looking for an area where you can live affordably and comfortably – with plenty of opportunity for growth – then this might be the place for you!

Price Index: Hattiesburg, MS

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