Zip Code:

39476, Richton, MS

39476 is a Mississippi Zip code within the city of Richton and the county of Perry County. Its population is roughly 7,627.

The Real Estate Market in the 39476 Zip Code of Richton, Mississippi

The 39476 zip code of Richton, MS is located in the Mississippi Delta region and has a population of approximately 9,000. The median household income in this zip code is $38,000 and the median home value is $130,000.

Home equity is an important part of many people's lives and can be used for a variety of purposes such as paying down debt, investing in assets such as stocks or real estate, or simply providing a cushion against unexpected expenses. Home prices are also an important factor when making decisions about purchasing a home or refinancing an existing mortgage.

According to data from Zillow®, the average home value in the 39476 zip code increased by 7% from 2016 to 2017. This rate of growth was slightly slower than the national average of 8% but still indicates that there are opportunities for homeowners in this area to make significant gains over time if they are able to purchase or refinance their homes at a reasonable price.

If you are looking to buy a home in the 39476 zip code or if you are considering refinancing your current mortgage, it is important to consult with a qualified lender who can help you find the best options available based on your specific needs and budget.

Price Index: Hattiesburg, MS

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