Zip Code:

40055, Pendleton, KY

40055 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Pendleton and the county of Henry County. Its population is roughly 2,042.

Pendleton, KY: A Community of Homes

The 40055 zip code of Pendleton, KY has a median home value of $135,000. The home equity in this zip code is $41,000. This means that the typical homeowner in this zip code has 41% of their home's value invested in their home equity. The average American homeowner has only 28% of their home's value invested in their home equity.

This high percentage of investment for homeowners in the 40055 zip code may be due to the low interest rates available on mortgages today. In addition, Pendleton is located in a desirable area with plenty of job opportunities and affordable housing options. These factors may help to contribute to the high values and strong home equity for homeowners here.

Price Index: Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN

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