Zip Code:
40176 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Webster and the county of Breckinridge. Its population is roughly 924.
The Webster, KY zip code of 40176 has a median home value of $129,900. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $137,000. The decrease in home values may be due to the current market conditions or it could be that more homes are being sold in this zip code than in previous years.
The average age of homes in this zip code is about 27 years old. This is slightly younger than the average age of homes in other parts of Kentucky and nationwide. This may be due to recent trends towards smaller living spaces and more urbanization which favors younger families.
There are a total of 2,527 housing units in this zip code. Of these units, 1,564 are occupied and 774 are vacant. This indicates that there is an overall demand for housing units in this area despite the decreased median home value.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
40146 | 4,103 | 18.9 | America/Chicago | 37.85466 | -86.33149 | Irvington | Breckinridge | Kentucky |
40142 | 2,181 | 17.1 | America/New_York | 37.88669 | -86.20983 | Guston | Meade County | Kentucky |
40171 | 191 | 4 | America/Chicago | 37.97171 | -86.45197 | Union Star | Breckinridge | Kentucky |
40161 | 188 | 10.3 | America/New_York | 38.00253 | -86.39048 | Rhodelia | Meade County | Kentucky |