Zip Code:

40322, Frenchburg, KY

40322 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Frenchburg and the county of Menifee County. Its population is roughly 3,389.

The Real Estate Market in the 40322 Zip Code of Frenchburg, Kentucky

The 40322 zip code of Frenchburg, KY has a median home value of $129,900 and a median home equity value of $118,500. These values are above the national median home value of $117,600 and the regional median home equity value of $106,200. The 40322 zip code is also above the Kentucky median home value of $101,100 and the national median home equity value.

The 40322 zip code has a high percentage of homeowners with a mortgage (68%) and a low percentage of homeowners with only cash or savings (14%). This indicates that most residents in the 40322 zip code rely on their mortgage to help them purchase or maintain their homes. The percentage of homeowners who owe more than their home's worth is also low in the 40322 zip code at 5%. This indicates that most residents in this area are able to keep up with their payments even if they have some debt remaining on their mortgage.

The average price per square foot for homes in the 40322 zip code is higher than both the Kentucky average price per square foot ($104) and the national average price per square foot ($102). This indicates that homes in this area are more expensive than average. However, this may be due to fewer available properties for sale in this area compared to other areas within Kentucky and across the United States.

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