Zip Code:

40330, Harrodsburg, KY

40330 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Harrodsburg and the county of Mercer. Its population is roughly 19,892.

The Real Estate Market in the 40330 Zip Code of Harrodsburg, Kentucky

The 40330 zip code of Harrodsburg, Kentucky is located in the southeastern part of the state. The population of this zip code was 10,827 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in this zip code was $57,538 as of 2010. The home equity and home prices in this zip code are both high relative to the rest of Kentucky.

The average home value in the 40330 zip code was $194,200 as of September 2013. This is more than double the statewide average home value of $86,700 and more than triple the national average home value of $130,000. Home equity in this zip code averaged $128,600 as of September 2013 which is also much higher than the statewide average home equity ($48,500) and national average home equity ($77,000).

There are a number of reasons why homes in the 40330 zip code are worth so much more than other homes in Kentucky or across the United States. One reason is that Harrodsburg is a very affluent area with a high rate of homeownership (almost 90%). Another reason is that there are relatively few homes for sale compared to other areas throughout Kentucky or across America. In addition, homes in Harrodsburg tend to be larger and newer than homes elsewhere in Kentucky or across America.

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