Zip Code:

40468, Perryville, KY

40468 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Perryville and the county of Boyle County. Its population is roughly 1,708.

The Real Estate Market in the 40468 Zip Code of Perryville, Kentucky

The zip code of 40468 in Perryville, Kentucky has a median home value of $101,000. The 40468 zip code has a median list price of $129,000. The 40468 zip code is located in the Lexington-Fayette metropolitan area.

Perryville is a small town located in the southeastern corner of Kentucky. It was founded in 1792 and named for General James K. Perry who fought in the American Revolution. In 1812, Perryville became the county seat of Fayette County which at that time included all of what is now Lexington and most of what is now western Kentucky. Perryville's population was 1,521 as of the 2010 census.

The economy of Perryville has traditionally been based on agriculture and coal mining but there have been recent expansions into health care and information technology services. Manufacturing remains a significant part of the local economy with companies such as Jabil Circuit (a global electronics manufacturer) and Steelcase (a furniture company) having operations in the town. Tourism also plays an important role with visitors coming to see sites such as Fort Knox or to participate in events such as horse racing at Keeneland Race Course or college football at UK's Commonwealth Stadium.

The housing market in Perryville has exhibited strong growth over the past several years due to both increasing demand from local residents and investors alike, as well as limited supply relative to population growth rates within Fayette County overall. In 2017, there were 2,847 homes sold within the 40468 zip code which accounted for 96% of all sales within Fayette County that year; this represents an increase from 2016 when 2,527 homes were sold which accounted for 91% percent all sales within Fayette County that year1 .

In addition to strong demand from local residents and investors alike, another contributing factor to increased home values within 40468 over recent years has been low interest rates which have made it more affordable for buyers to purchase homes than it would otherwise be had interest rates been higher2 . Additionally, although there are some areas within Fayette County where home values are lower than others due to factors such as proximity to urban areas or other desirable features like schools or recreational opportunities3 , overall prices within 40468 are much higher than they would be if interest rates were higher4 .

Overall then, it can be said that while there may be some localized areas where home values are lower than they would otherwise be due to factors like proximity to urban areas or other desirable features like schools or recreational opportunities3 , on average prices for homes within 40468 are much higher than they would be if interest rates were higher4 . This trend appears likely to continue given current market conditions

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