Zip Code:
40914 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Big Creek and the county of Clay. Its population is roughly 387.
The 40914 zip code of Big Creek, KY is located in the southeastern corner of the state. The zip code has a population of just over 2,000 people and an average home value of $130,000. The median household income in the zip code is just over $50,000.
There are a number of factors that have contributed to the high home values in the 40914 zip code. First and foremost, this area is located in one of Kentucky's most desirable areas. Big Creek is surrounded by beautiful countryside and there are plenty of opportunities for residents to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. Additionally, there are a number of well-established businesses and industries located within close proximity to the zip code, which has helped drive up prices.
Despite these positive factors, there are some potential challenges that could affect home values in the 40914 zip code in the future. One potential issue is that there may be a shortage of available housing stock in this area due to increasing demand from buyers. If this occurs, it could lead to higher prices and increased competition for homes on the market. Another potential issue is that interest rates could rise over time which would make it more difficult for homeowners to afford their mortgages payments or pay off their existing debt obligations.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
41714 | 418 | 5.7 | America/New_York | 37.15778 | -83.51806 | Bear Branch | Leslie | Kentucky |
41766 | 197 | 15.5 | America/New_York | 37.17990 | -83.46570 | Thousandsticks | Leslie | Kentucky |
41762 | 0 | 0 | America/New_York | 37.25348 | -83.48379 | Sizerock | Leslie | Kentucky |