Zip Code:

41751, Jeff, KY

41751 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Jeff and the county of Perry. Its population is roughly 239.

The Real Estate Market in the 41751 Zip Code of Jeff, KY

The 41751 zip code of Jeff, KY has a median home value of $128,000. This is higher than the Kentucky median home value of $119,500. The 41751 zip code also has a higher percentage of homes with a mortgage than the Kentucky median home value. This indicates that there are more homes in this zip code that are financed through a mortgage.

The reason for this may be that the average household income in Jeff, KY is lower than the Kentucky median household income. Additionally, there are more families with children living in Jeff, KY than in Kentucky as a whole. These factors could lead to lower incomes and higher borrowing rates for homeowners in Jeff, KY.

Despite these factors, there is evidence that home values have increased over time in the 41751 zip code of Jeff, KY. Between 2000 and 2016, the average home value increased by 54%. This suggests that buyers and sellers are finding it easier to finance homes in this area and that demand for housing is high.

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