Zip Code:

42025, Benton, KY

42025 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Benton and the county of Marshall. Its population is roughly 19,468.

Real Estate in the 42025 Zip Code of Benton, KY

Benton, KY has a population of just over 10,000 people and is located in the eastern part of the state. The 42025 zip code covers a small area of land and includes Bentonville, the home of Walmart. Home prices in this zip code are generally lower than those in other parts of the state, likely due to Bentonville's lower population density and lack of major commercial attractions.

The average home price in Benton, KY was $128,500 as of September 2017. This is significantly lower than the statewide average home price of $236,700 and represents a decrease of almost 20% from 2016. The majority (83%)of homes sold in Benton during 2017 were single-family homes. The median sale price for a single-family home was $120,000 while the median sale price for an apartment complex was just $36,500.

Despite these low prices, there has been an increase in home equity values over recent years. As of September 2017, homeownership rates were at 69%, which is above the statewide rate (63%). This suggests that there is still strong demand for homes in this area despite relatively low prices. Additionally, there has been an increase in new construction activity within this zip code over recent years which may be contributing to rising home values.

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