Zip Code:

42031, Clinton, KY

42031 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Clinton and the county of Hickman. Its population is roughly 2,898.

The Real Estate Market in the 42031 Zip Code of Clinton, KY

The 42031 zip code of Clinton, KY has a median home value of $101,000. This is lower than the statewide median home value of $130,000. The Clinton area has seen a decrease in home values over the past few years. In 2016, the median home value was $98,000. This year, the median home value is only $91,000.

There are several factors that could be contributing to this decrease in home values in the Clinton area. One reason could be that there are fewer homes for sale in this zip code than there were previously. Another reason could be that buyers are not able to get mortgages for homes that they want to buy because of high interest rates.

Despite these decreases in home values, it is still possible to purchase a house in the 42031 zip code if you have enough money saved up and you are willing to wait for a while.

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