Zip Code:

42058, Ledbetter, KY

42058 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Ledbetter and the county of Livingston County. Its population is roughly 2,509.

Real Estate in the 42058 Zip Code of Ledbetter, KY

Ledbetter, KY is located in the 42058 zip code. The 42058 zip code has a population of about 2,000 people. Ledbetter is a small town that was founded in 1892. The economy of Ledbetter is primarily based on agriculture and coal mining.

The median home value in the 42058 zip code is $50,000. The median household income in the 42058 zip code is $30,000. About 60% of households in the 42058 zip code have children under the age of 18 living with them, and about 30% of households are headed by someone over the age of 65 years old.

There has been an increase in home equity values over the past five years in Ledbetter. In 2012, home equity values were at $41,500. In 2013, home equity values increased to $45,000 and then to $49,500 in 2014 and 2015 respectively (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016). Home prices have continued to increase since then and as of September 2017 they are at $55,000 (Zillow 2017). This indicates that there has been an increase in demand for homes within the 42058 zip code and that there are still opportunities for homeowners to achieve higher home equity values over time if they choose to do so.

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