Zip Code:

42223, Fort Campbell, KY

42223 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Fort Campbell and the county of Christian County. Its population is roughly 20,311.

The Real Estate Market in the 42223 Zip Code of Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Fort Campbell, Kentucky is located in the 42223 zip code. The 42223 zip code has a population of approximately 33,000 people. The median household income in the 42223 zip code is $60,000 per year. The median home value in the 42223 zip code is $158,000.

There has been a significant increase in home equity and home prices in the Fort Campbell, Kentucky area over the past few years. In particular, there has been an increase in home values within the past two years. This trend appears to be continuing as of now.

One reason for this increase may be that Fort Campbell is a growing military town that is attracting new residents and businesses. Additionally, many people are investing money into their homes due to low interest rates and stable economic conditions overall.

Another reason for this increase may be that Fort Campbell is a relatively safe place to live and invest money. The military community here tends to have high levels of socioeconomic stability which can lead to long-term investment success rates. Additionally, crime rates are relatively low compared to other areas of the country which can also contribute positively to home values and equity growth prospects.

Overall, it seems that there is good potential for continued growth in home values and equity within the Fort Campbell area over time – especially if current trends continue!

Price Index: Clarksville, TN-KY

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