Zip Code:

42459, Sturgis, KY

42459 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Sturgis and the county of Union. Its population is roughly 4,389.

The Real Estate Market in the 42459 Zip Code of Sturgis, Kentucky

The 42459 zip code of Sturgis, KY has a population of about 9,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is about $41,000 which is lower than the national median household income of $53,046. However, the homeownership rate in this zip code is about 68% which is higher than the national homeownership rate of 63%.

The 42459 zip code has a home equity value of $236,500 which is lower than the national home equity value of $269,200. This indicates that there are more homes that are worth less than the owner's mortgage obligation. The average home price in this zip code was $119,500 which is lower than the national average home price of $157,900. This indicates that there may be fewer homes available for sale in this zip code and/or that buyers may be paying more for homes in this zip code compared to other areas.

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