Zip Code:

42544, Nancy, KY

42544 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Nancy and the county of Pulaski County. Its population is roughly 5,889.

The Real Estate Market in the 42544 Zip Code of Nancy, Kentucky

The 42544 zip code of Nancy, KY has a median home value of $123,200. This is higher than the national median home value of $77,500. The 42544 zip code also has a high home equity ratio of 58%. This means that the majority of homes in this zip code are worth more than their outstanding mortgage debt.

The high home equity ratio is likely due to the strong economy and low unemployment rate in this area. Many homeowners in this zip code are able to borrow against their homes' value to cover some or all of their monthly mortgage payments. This gives them a lot of security and peace of mind when buying or selling their homes.

Another reason why the 42544 zip code has a high home equity ratio is because there are a lot of expensive homes in this area. The average price per square foot for homes in this zip code is $194, which is much higher than the national average price per square foot ($128). This means that homeowners can afford to pay more for their homes without having to worry about losing money on each sale.

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