Zip Code:

43028, Howard, OH

43028 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Howard and the county of Knox County. Its population is roughly 8,204.

The Real Estate Market in the 43028 Zip Code of Howard, Ohio

Howard, Ohio is located in the 43028 zip code. The 43028 zip code has a population of around 43,000 people. Howard's median household income is $50,000 and the median home value is $130,000.

Howard's home equity and home prices are relatively high when compared to other zip codes in Ohio. Howard's median home equity is $87,500 and its median home price is $148,500. These values are significantly higher than the statewide median home equity of $60,000 and the statewide median home price of $100,000. This indicates that Howard residents have a greater degree of wealth than residents in other parts of Ohio.

One reason for Howard's high levels of home equity and home prices may be that Howard has a high concentration of wealthy residents. The percentage of households in Howard with an annual income over $200,000 is nearly double the percentage for all zip codes in Ohio (14%). Additionally, the percentage of households in Howard with a net worth over $1 million is more than triple the percentage for all zip codes in Ohio (3%). These factors may contribute to why homes in Howard are more expensive than homes elsewhere in Ohio.

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