Zip Code:

43078, Urbana, OH

43078 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Urbana and the county of Champaign County. Its population is roughly 20,347.

The Real Estate Market in the 43078 Zip Code of Urbana, OH

The 43078 zip code of Urbana, OH has a population of around 38,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000, which is lower than the median household income for the state of Ohio. The homeownership rate in this zip code is around 66%, which is higher than the homeownership rate for the state of Ohio. The average home value in this zip code is $141,500, which is higher than the average home value for the state of Ohio.

There are a number of factors that could explain why homes in the 43078 zip code are more expensive than homes in other parts of Ohio. One reason may be that there are a greater number of affluent residents living in this area. Another reason may be that Urbana has a high level of home equity compared to other parts of Ohio. Homeowners who have significant equity in their homes can often afford to pay more for property taxes and insurance premiums relative to homeowners who do not have as much equity in their homes. Additionally, many people who live in Urbana own their own businesses or work at companies with generous benefits packages that provide them with an increased ability to purchase a home.

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