Zip Code:

43311, Bellefontaine, OH

43311 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Bellefontaine and the county of Logan County. Its population is roughly 18,919.

The Real Estate Market in the 43311 Zip Code of Bellefontaine, Ohio

Bellefontaine is a small town located in northeast Ohio. The population of Bellefontaine was 17,527 as of the 2010 census. The 43311 zip code includes most of Bellefontaine and extends into the neighboring townships of North Royalton and Fairview Park.

The median home value in the 43311 zip code was $135,000 as of September 2013, which is lower than the statewide median home value of $146,700. However, this does not necessarily mean that homes in Bellefontaine are less expensive than homes elsewhere in Ohio. In fact, there are a number of factors that can affect a home's price including location, size and condition.

In terms of location, Bellefontaine is close to both Cleveland and Akron. This proximity makes it an attractive option for people who want to live in a metropolitan area but also have access to smaller town amenities such as schools and shopping centers. Additionally, the area has recently seen an influx of young professionals who appreciate its convenient location and low cost of living.

Size is another factor that can affect a home's price. A larger home will typically command a higher price than a smaller one; however, this isn't always the case. In fact, many people who want to buy a home in Bellefontaine are looking for something that is comfortable but not too large or expensive. This means that even if you don't have enough money to buy a large house on your own land, you may be able to find something that fits your needs within the boundaries of the 43311 zip code.

Condition also plays an important role when it comes to determining how much someone will be able to pay for a property. A property that has been well-maintained will usually cost more than one that has been neglected or damaged beyond repair; however, this isn't always the case! In some cases – especially if the damage is cosmetic – it may be possible to negotiate a lower price based on how good (or bad) condition the property is actually in

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