Zip Code:

43420, Fremont, OH

43420 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Fremont and the county of Sandusky County. Its population is roughly 29,711.

The Real Estate Market in the 43420 Zip Code of Fremont, OH

The zip code of 43420 in Fremont, Ohio has a population of around 100,000 people. The median household income is $78,000 and the median home value is $232,500. Fremont is a suburb of Cincinnati and has been growing rapidly in recent years. The average commute to work is only 25 minutes.

The main industries in the zip code of 43420 are healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. There are many high-tech companies located in this area, including Google and Facebook. Healthcare is another big industry in the area and includes hospitals such as UC Health and Mercy Health System. Manufacturing also plays a big role in the economy here, with companies like General Electric and Ford operating plants in the area.

There are many factors that affect home prices in any given area. In Fremont, there are a number of factors that have contributed to rising home values: rapid growth over the past few years; low interest rates; strong demand from buyers; limited supply due to zoning restrictions; and strong economic conditions overall.

Overall, home prices have increased significantly over the past few years in Fremont – an average of 7% per year according to Zillow – which has made it one of the most desirable areas to live in Cincinnati suburbs. While there may be some fluctuations from year to year due to market conditions or other factors outside of anyone’s control (such as natural disasters), on average homes have appreciated at a steady rate since 2013 which makes it an attractive investment for those looking for long-term stability and security.

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