Zip Code:

43553, Pettisville, OH

43553 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Pettisville and the county of Fulton County. Its population is roughly 243.

The Real Estate Market in the 43553 Zip Code of Pettisville, Ohio

The 43553 zip code of Pettisville, OH has a population of approximately 2,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $48,000 and the median home value is $130,000. Pettisville is located in Lucas County and has a population density of about 1 person per square mile.

Home equity is an important part of many Americans' lives. Home equity can be used to pay off debts or invest in other assets. Home prices are also an important factor in many Americans' lives. Home prices can help determine whether someone can afford to buy a house or not.

There are several factors that affect home prices in the 43553 zip code of Pettisville, OH. These factors include the availability of homes for sale, interest rates, inflation rates, and local economic conditions.

The 43553 zip code of Pettisville has a limited number of homes for sale compared to other areas of Lucas County. This means that there is more competition for these homes and therefore higher home prices. Interest rates also play a role in determining home prices; when interest rates are high, it makes it more expensive for people to borrow money to buy a house and therefore the price of houses tends to be higher than when interest rates are lower. Inflation rates also play a role; when inflation is high, it makes it harder for people who earn money to save money because their wages will not keep up with inflationary increases in prices over time. Finally, local economic conditions play an important role in determining home prices; if there are lots of new businesses opening up or if there are any major construction projects going on near by, then housing values will likely be higher than they would be if the economy were slower moving or if there were no new businesses opening up at all.

Price Index: Toledo, OH

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