Zip Code:

43812, Coshocton, OH

43812 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Coshocton and the county of Coshocton County. Its population is roughly 18,751.

The Real Estate Market in the 43812 Zip Code of Coshocton, Ohio

The home equity and home prices in the 43812 zip code of Coshocton, OH have seen a steady increase over the past few years. The average home value in this zip code is currently $123,000, which is up from $105,000 just five years ago. This steady increase in home values has led to an increase in homeowners' equity - or the amount of money that homeowners own outright compared to what they owe on their mortgages. In fact, according to Zillow's Home Value Index, homeowners' equity in the 43812 zip code is now at its highest point since 2007.

This strong trend in home values can be attributed to a number of factors. First and foremost, Coshocton is located within one of the most desirable areas of Ohio - and as such, there are a lot of people looking to buy or sell homes here. Additionally, Coshocton has seen very little economic growth over the past few years - which means that there are fewer new homes being built and sold than there were previously. As a result, the demand for homes has outpaced supply - meaning that prices have been able to rise steadily.

While this upward trend in home values may be good news for homeowners in the 43812 zip code of Coshocton, it may not be so great for those who are looking to purchase a home soon. If you're planning on buying a house within the next few years, it might be best to wait until prices have decreased slightly before making your purchase - otherwise you might end up paying more than you would if you waited longer.

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