Zip Code:

43953, Steubenville, OH

43953 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Steubenville and the county of Jefferson County. Its population is roughly 11,713.

The Real Estate Market in Steubenville, OH

The Steubenville zip code 43953 has a population of around 36,000 people and a median household income of $41,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 9.5% over the past year, which is much higher than the national average of just under 5%. The main drivers of this increase are likely to be increasing demand from local residents and investors, as well as low interest rates.

There are a number of factors that could lead to further price growth in this area. For example, if there were to be any significant job growth in the area or if the economy continued to improve overall, then homebuyers would likely become more interested in purchasing homes here. Additionally, Steubenville is located within close proximity to many popular tourist destinations (including Pittsburgh and Cincinnati), which could lead to even more demand for housing.

However, there are also some potential risks associated with increased home prices in Steubenville. For example, if there were any major issues with the local economy or if interest rates began to rise again, then buyers may find it harder to afford homes in this area. Additionally, although Steubenville is generally considered to be a safe city overall, there have been reports of crime increasing recently – which could make it less desirable for potential homebuyers.

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