Zip Code:

44047, Jefferson, OH

44047 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Jefferson and the county of Ashtabula County. Its population is roughly 8,661.

The Real Estate Market in the 44047 Zip Code of Jefferson, Ohio

The 44047 zip code of Jefferson, OH has a median home value of $156,000. This is significantly lower than the national median home value of $217,500. The 44047 zip code also has a low percentage of homeowners with equity in their homes (less than 30%). This indicates that many homeowners in this area are struggling to pay off their mortgages or have negative equity in their homes.

Despite these challenges, there are some areas within the 44047 zip code where home values are higher than average. For example, the zip code has a high percentage of homeowners with equity in their homes (more than 50%). Additionally, the median home value is higher in areas near major highways and commercial districts. This suggests that there is more demand for housing within this area and that people are able to afford more expensive homes.

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