Zip Code:

44141, Brecksville, OH

44141 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Brecksville and the county of Cuyahoga County. Its population is roughly 13,785.

The Real Estate Market in the 44141 Zip Code of Brecksville, Ohio

The zip code of 44141 has a population of around 30,000 people and a median household income of around $60,000. The average home value in this zip code is around $175,000. This means that the home equity in this area is quite high. In fact, the average home equity in this zip code is about three times the median household income.

This high level of home equity may be due to several factors. First, Brecksville is a relatively affluent area and there are plenty of people who are able to afford to buy homes here. Second, the market for homes in this zip code has been strong over the past few years and prices have continued to rise even as other areas have seen prices decline. Finally, many homeowners in this area have taken advantage of low interest rates over the past few years and have been able to borrow money against their homes' values to increase their net worths significantly.

Price Index: Cleveland-Elyria, OH

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