Zip Code:

44641, Louisville, OH

44641 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Louisville and the county of Stark County. Its population is roughly 20,221.

The Real Estate Market in the 44641 Zip Code of Louisville, OH.

The zip code 44641 in Louisville, OH has a median home value of $137,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. These values are lower than the statewide median home value of $174,500 and statewide median home equity value of $142,700.

There are a total of 1,927 homes in the zip code 44641. The majority (1,811) of these homes have a value below the statewide median home value. There are only 83 homes in the zip code 44641 with a value above the statewide median home value.

The average size of a home in the zip code 44641 is 2,547 square feet. The average size of a home with a value above the statewide median is 2,814 square feet while the average size of a home with a value below the statewide median is 2,269 square feet.

There are 1,724 single-family homes in the zip code 44641 while there are only 128 multi-family homes in this zipcode. The majority (1,609)of all single-family homes have a value below the statewide median while only 137 multi-family homes have a higher than average valuation within this zipcode area.

Price Index: Canton-Massillon, OH

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