Zip Code:

44663, New Philadelphia, OH

44663 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of New Philadelphia and the county of Tuscarawas County. Its population is roughly 25,305.

The Real Estate Market in the 44663 Zip Code of New Philadelphia, OH

Home Equity in the 44663 Zip Code of New Philadelphia, OH

The average home equity in the zip code of 44663 is $128,000. This means that homeowners in this area have a total equity of $128,000 on their homes.

Home Prices in the 44663 Zip Code of New Philadelphia, OH

The average home price in the zip code of 44663 is $142,500. This means that homeowners in this area have an average home value of $142,500 on their homes.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home values and equity found in this zip code. The most significant factor is likely the strong economy and job market present in this area. Additionally, many homeowners here have made wise investments such as adding extra bedrooms or bathrooms to their homes which can increase its value over time.

It is also worth noting that many homes located within this zip code are newer construction which typically commands a higher price tag than older homes. Finally, there is no shortage of potential buyers interested in purchasing or investing in properties located within this zip code - meaning that prices will continue to rise over time.

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