Zip Code:
44833 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Galion and the county of Crawford County. Its population is roughly 16,658.
The 44833 zip code of Galion, OH has a median home value of $101,000. This is lower than the median home value in the United States which is $177,500. The reason for this discrepancy is likely due to the fact that Galion is a small town and there are not as many homes for sale as there are in larger cities. Additionally, Galion is located in an area that has seen a lot of economic decline over the past few years. This has led to fewer people being able to afford homes and increased demand for properties that are available for sale.
Despite these factors, the median home value in Galion remains relatively low when compared to other areas of the country. This suggests that there may still be opportunities for buyers who are looking for affordable homes in an area with good potential growth prospects. If you're interested in purchasing a property in Galion, it's important to do your research and consult with a real estate agent who can help you find the right property at the right price.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
44827 | 6,832 | 55.5 | America/New_York | 40.81937 | -82.75771 | Crestline | Crawford County | Ohio |
44856 | 234 | 1,713.9 | America/New_York | 40.79400 | -82.85666 | North Robinson | Crawford County | Ohio |