Zip Code:

45331, Greenville, OH

45331 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Greenville and the county of Darke County. Its population is roughly 22,049.

The Real Estate Market in the 45331 Zip Code of Greenville, Ohio

The 45331 zip code of Greenville, OH has a median home value of $129,900 and a median home equity value of $111,000. The average home size in the 45331 zip code is 2,547 square feet. The 45331 zip code has a population of 10,898 people and 5,848 households.

The average household size in the 45331 zip code is 2.68 people. The median age in the 45331 zip code is 43 years old. There are 4,721 households that have children under the age of 18 living with them, and 3,902 households that do not have children under the age of 18 living with them. The percent of households that are married couples living together is 63% and the percent of households that are single women living alone is 37%.

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Buy & Sell Shares of Homes in 45331, Greenville, OH

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