Zip Code:

45458, Dayton, OH

45458 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Dayton and the county of Montgomery County. Its population is roughly 31,680.

The Real Estate Market in the 45458 Zip Code of Dayton, OH

The Dayton, OH 45458 zip code has a population of around 104,000 people. The median home value in the 45458 zip code is $132,000. Home equity in the 45458 zip code has increased by around 20% over the past year. This is likely due to low interest rates and increasing home prices.

There are a number of factors that contribute to home equity growth. Low interest rates make it cheaper for homeowners to borrow money to invest in their homes, which leads to an increase in home values. Additionally, rising home prices increase the value of homeowners' assets and give them more money to spend on other things. Over time, this can lead to an increase in overall economic activity in a community and create more jobs.

Homeownership is important for many reasons: it allows people access to affordable housing, it provides stability and security for families, and it helps build communities. In addition, homeownership contributes significantly to economic growth by creating jobs and generating tax revenue. The Dayton, OH 45458 zip code is seeing strong growth in home equity thanks to low interest rates and increasing home prices – this is good news for residents and businesses alike!

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