Zip Code:

46013, Anderson, IN

46013 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Anderson and the county of Madison County. Its population is roughly 17,136.

The Real Estate Market in the 46013 Zip Code of Anderson, Indiana

Anderson, Indiana is located in the 46013 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Anderson was 17,868. The median household income was $71,929 and the median family income was $85,898. Home equity in Anderson is currently at a high point with homes selling for an average of $158,000. This is up from an average of $135,000 in 2009 and an average of $118,000 in 2007.

The Anderson area has seen a steady increase in home prices over the past few years due to strong demand and limited supply. In addition to strong demand from buyers, there has been limited new construction available in the area which has also contributed to rising home prices. The current rate of home appreciation is estimated at 10%.

There are several factors that have contributed to this increase in home values including:

-The economy has continued to improve since 2007 which has led to increased job opportunities and higher incomes which have helped fuel demand for housing;

- Anderson is located within a desirable area with plenty of amenities such as excellent schools and recreational opportunities;

-There are relatively few homes available for sale compared to other areas within Indiana making it difficult for potential buyers who may be looking for more options;

-The majority of homes currently on the market are either single family or townhome style dwellings which tend to be more expensive than traditional suburban style homes.

Price Index: Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN

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