Zip Code:

46517, Elkhart, IN

46517 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Elkhart and the county of Elkhart County. Its population is roughly 26,468.

The Real Estate Market in the 46517 Zip Code of Elkhart, Indiana

The 46517 zip code of Elkhart, IN has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $113,000. These values are above the national median home value and median home equity values, respectively. The 46517 zip code is also above the Indiana median home value and Indiana median home equity values.

The 46517 zip code has a high percentage of homeowners (85%) and a low percentage of renters (15%). This high percentage of homeowners may be due to the high median home value in the area. Additionally, the low percentage of renters may be due to the high median home equity value in the area.

The average commute time in the 46517 zip code is 25 minutes. This is below the Indiana average commute time of 30 minutes. Additionally, this is below the national average commute time of 26 minutes. This indicates that residents in this zip code have shorter commutes than residents in other areas across Indiana and nationwide.

Price Index: Elkhart-Goshen, IN

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